Thursday, February 23, 2017

3 Simple Exercises You Can Do At Home

The following blog post 3 Simple Exercises You Can Do At Home is available on

If you believe that you must have a gym membership to do your workouts, then you're greatly mistaken. Truth to be told, you don't need the large and complicated fitness machines to train effectively. If you know the right way to do it, you can have mind-blowing results in relatively short time by working out in your home.

Below are some simple exercises you can do at home

Staircase workout Having a second story at your house possesses certain advantages. One of the benefits is you can use the stairs as your exercise routine. Stair workouts enable you to work for the biggest muscle group in your body. These workouts can result in fast fat reduction and improved metabolism. As we know, you must do a full body exercise to eliminate excess fat quickly, and this workout is one of your simplest options. this is a photo of a kettlebell for simple exercises you can do at home. The good thing about this exercise is you can do it just about anywhere. How? Buildings that we frequently visit like departmental stores, banks and office buildings sometimes have stairs. Just utilize the stairs rather than the elevator. Easy isn't it? Body weight workout Bodyweight exercises are effective in shedding fat, especially if you can do it at high intensity. Make an effort to do them 1-2 times per week with unique variations. My personal advice would be squats. The squat is a very straightforward workout, yet it makes use of more muscle groups than any other exercises. These are some of the greatest exercises to lose weight in the lower body. Keep changing among various body-weight exercises such as squats, push-ups, floor abs, and lunges for around 15-30 minute workouts. If you need to rest, ensure that your break time is short. You don't need to spend much time on your exercise routines. The most crucial thing here is doing your workouts in a good steady form. Kettlebell workout If you're thinking of buying exercise equipment, you should consider a kettle-bell. The majority of people will most likely use dumbbells. However, the kettle bell is much more efficient than a dumbbell. If you don't know what a kettle bell is, it looks like a historic cannonball with a handle. Originally, this tool was used by the Russians to train their athletes, Marines, and martial arts competitors. Nonetheless, if you just want to get leaner or build some additional muscle, there is no reason why you can't learn new exercises and reap the benefits of them. Here are three examples of kettlebell exercises:
  • One arm swing
  • Kettle-bell back down to bottom, then one arm split snatch
  • One arm clean and press
These are fantastic exercises that produce results! You can produce a leaner and healthier body by utilizing easy exercises from home. Also, be cautious with some of the fitness devices you find on TV infomercials, some are great but a few can be worthless and break easily. If you're looking for simple exercises to do at home that can give you significant results, the exercises above are the answer. Sometimes the simplest and most time efficient exercises can yield the best results. Make sure to include them in your weekly workout schedule to help you to attain your fitness goals. Join our Facebook fitness page to help you stay on track with your fitness goals and keep updated on our posts.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Diet Tips For Weight Loss at Home

The following blog post Diet Tips For Weight Loss at Home was first written on

Many people over the nation are trying to shed them few pounds that they have put on. There are many ways that this can be done, but one of the main important strategies would be to make sure you have a plan for weight loss written down with a complete nutritional balance. There are a lot of free recipes out there that will give you a full belly, and most of them are quite tasty.

Easy and Natural Weight Loss Tips

To lose the weight, you'll want to make goals and make them realistic goals. Many people who want to lose weight give up because their weight loss plan is too far to reach. Those people that have managed to lose weight are the people that have taken baby steps along the way. Taking baby steps will help you with less frustration and not giving up too fast. These tips for weight loss at home should steer you in the right direction until you're ready for more advanced strategies. diet tips for weight loss at home There are many things that people need to keep in mind to maintain overall good health, and that is having a balanced diet. Below I have laid out some advice to help you with your weight-loss. Every day you should try to eat four to six snacks and multiple smaller meal sizes. This will assist you from wanting to gorge on food. When you eat often, you will notice that you stay fuller longer and you will not crave foods all the time. You also need to eat at a slow pace. Another thing that will help curb your appetite is to bring small baggies of fresh almonds or cashews with you everywhere you go. It is important that you select foods that are healthier such as vegetables, fish, fruits and other things. There are some ways that you can spice your food up if you think its too bland. You can do this without adding the additional calories. When you are on a weight loss plan, you want to stay away from things that are store bought BBQ sauces or anything high in calories.

Your Weight Loss Diet Plan

You can find many recipes for weight loss on the internet. You should take a little bit of time and look through them. A lot of the recipes that you find will have ingredients that can be found in your kitchen that takes little time to prepare. Luckily you don't have to be a chef to prepare these foods. Most weight loss recipes online are very healthy and taste good too. Select recipes that allow you to keep the ingredients as fresh as possible. Make sure the food is not overcooked. Certain food products help burn calories like some dairy products including yogurt. They can contribute to reducing excess calorie intake. Researchers have proven that yogurt and other dairy products are effective in burning calories and can be consumed with your daily meal. Weight loss recipes with these low-calorie foods prove very useful in weight loss. Once you find the recipes you seem to like, try them out. You may be surprised to see that your family members will enjoy the new tasty foods too. They may even like them better than the regular foods they have been eating every day. There's many to choose from and are easy to prepare. For more weight loss tips and strategies get on over to our Facebook page.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Healthy Ideas for Losing Weight

The following post Healthy Ideas for Losing Weight Find more on: Fitness Challenge Blog

There are more weight loss tips and diets out there than anyone could ever use. Some work, most do not. The reason why many diets do not work is that they are not realistic regarding what you need to eat in real life nor in what you are going to want to eat forever. These diets sound natural, which makes it all the more frustrating when people eventually quit their diets. You must understand that weight loss is very hard.

Weight loss isn't easy for most people

If weight loss were easy, none of us would ever put on weight in the first place. The problem with other weight loss tips, too, is that they are focused on the strong end of the spectrum. People who are severely overweight do not benefit because the tips make it sound like a walk in the park. They get frustrated and return to old habits. It is also difficult for people who are looking to lose just a little bit of weight. Many tips are too severe for them. Your first action should be talking to a doctor if you are looking to lose anything more than ten pounds. If you are already a slender individual, ten pounds might even be cause for a physician's consultation. Then you should discuss your diet. We can also help you with exercise tips and meal plan ideas, head over to our Facebook Page.

Your nutrition is always the best place to start

Experts say that people should eat between 1,500 and 2,000 calories per day. This is not always true. This should be based on gender, age, current weight, and current weight goals. You can find plenty of online guides (or even speak to your doctor about it) about how much you should eat per day, how much to eat if you are trying to lose a little weight, and how much if you seek to lose a lot of weight. weight loss A small young woman--aged between twenty and thirty and weighing around 120 pounds--wants to lose just a little bit of weight. How should you go about it? If you are that small, you do not need to be eating 2,000 calories per day anyway. If you want to stay that weight, you need about 1,400 calories. If you are trying to lose just a couple of pounds, cut that down to 1,200. If you want to lose more (which at this weight, should not be an issue), you will cut down to 900.

Take it easy during your path to losing weight

Many people are very excited about starting new diets and start too fast. Diets are marathons. If you eat 2,000 calories in a one day, cut it back to 1,800 every day for a week. Then 1,600, and so on. The important thing is to make healthy choices that stick with you, like proteins, vegetables, and milk products. Try to get as much variety on the food pyramid as you can while sticking to your calorie count. Your stomach is the worst indicator of hungry since you can get fake hunger pains or want to eat when you are bored. This is why it is smart to go slow. You are re-training yourself about how to pick smart foods and to eat only when you are actually hungry. Read calorie and health contents of packaged food. Both are crucial. Eat portions only about as small as your palm and pace yourself to get to this level. Choose foods that are very healthy but do not have many calories. When you are bored, you want to eat. Now you can--and improve your health AND not gain weight. Eat things like lettuce, grapes, celery, and cucumbers. Remember that to lose weight in a healthy way it is going to take a lot of determination on your part. It will take a while, and you will be frustrated. It is better to know this going into the diet. Our Facebook Group is open to anyone, see you there!

Good Morning Health Nuts!

The blog post Good Morning Health Nuts! was originally seen on Health and Fitness Challenge Blog

Firstly I would like to say welcome to our new health and fitness blog. health and fitness blogSecondly as this is a new blog, we don't have much content yet, be patient the healthy infused content is coming :) We're working on some really cool articles on a variety of topics. Some of those topics include simple strategies on how to lose weight, exercise tips, healthy meal plans, fitness supplement reviews, and more! We even started a new Facebook Page for anyone interested in some free mentoring and occasional health and fitness challenges to help each-other stay motivated. It's also a great place where we can all share ideas on new exercises that work and good healthy recipes. I hope to meet you one day either in person or via our planned webinar events, see you soon and stay happy and healthy!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Are You Ready For Maternity Photography?

Taking maternity photos can be a lot of fun. It is a time in your life that you want to document as joyful and special. There is so much to be inspired by through the beauty of a pregnant mother. First, choosing the right maternity photographer is important. You want to find someone who has experience and a good reputation in the community. Your Las Vegas maternity photographer should provide you with a sense of empathy and sensitivity. This photographer will listen to what you want out of your shoot, and provide you with everything you need to make your shoot run smoothly.

Looking for a maternity photographer in Las Vegas?

Once you have the right photographer, there are some things you may want to consider when getting ready for your shoot. Provided here is some advice to get the maternity portraits you have always wanted.

When to take maternity photos

Timing is always the first thing pregnant women think about when they want to take maternity photos. You obviously want to show off your pregnant belly, but you do not want to be uncomfortable either. The first trimester is definitely not ideal. At this stage, you have only just found out you are pregnant, and a photo shoot would not show very much. This is only a good idea if you plan on tracking the progress throughout your pregnancy, meaning you complete a shoot during each trimester to show the growth. This is a fun way to take maternity photos, but is not practical and can get expensive.

The second trimester is a good option. You may have a round belly to show off in stunning pictures. This is also a great time because generally women feel more comfortable taking photos and are able to take more interesting photos. If you try too far into your pregnancy, you may not be able to move around as well, limiting the types of photos you can take.

The third trimester works for those who feel comfortable. Again, you do not want to push it too late. Generally, it is accepted that the thirty-second weeks to thirty-sixth weeks are the best time to take these photos. It is hard to predict beforehand how you will feel, so as soon as you feel your belly will get some great photos and you are feeling well, book the appointment.

pregnancy pictures

Choosing the right images

There are so many great options when deciding what style of maternity photos you want to take – from fun and funky, to sweet and sexy, to bringing in the whole family. First, deciding what you will do with the photos can help fuel the style you will choose. Albums, framed photos, announcement cards are all options for what to do with the photos after they are taken. Keep that in mind when choosing a style of photo.

The perfect locations for maternity photography

You can also shoot in your own home to make it comfortable and real. Taking pictures at your favorite outdoor location, like a park or the beach, can bring in your personality. Studio shots are also an option for a classic look.

Fun and quirky photos are always enjoyed for years to come. For example, taking photos with other children or with baby shoes can come out adorable. Maternity photos with dad are always treasured and can lead to some interesting photographs.

There are the bedroom photos which are also popular, the pictures come out stunning and you will be happy you did! You can choose to be fully dressed, but show off just the skin of your belly, which is also very popular. Bathing suits, lingerie or sheer fabrics can show off the beauty of pregnancy. But it is up to you to do whatever you are comfortable doing.

Discuss all the ideas you have with your photographer and view their previous maternity shots for more ideas. Make it your own and do what represents you. This is a special time in your life that should be documented. Contact Marie Grantham Photography at (702) 336-1609 for your next maternity photo shoot in Las Vegas Nevada.

Are You Ready For Maternity Photography? was first seen on

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Scheduling Your Newborn Baby Photo Shoot

Do you think you are ready to schedule your newborn baby photo shoot? How do you know when it is the best time to introduce your new baby to taking the photos that you will treasure forever? A local Las Vegas newborn photographer, Marie Grantham Photography answers some of the most asked questions about when to schedule your session.

Scheduling your Las Vegas newborn baby photo shoot

First, you want to find a photographer who specializes in newborn photography. This is a very specialized niche, and choosing a photographer with the knowledge and experience to make sure you get the photos that you are looking for is very important. Newborn shoots require careful planning and preparation, more so than those for older children. Choosing the right time and knowing when to schedule the shoot can be up to you, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

henderson baby photographer

• Determining the right age for the shoot

You want your baby to still be considered a newborn when taking these photos. This is a very precious time that slips away very quickly. You must be willing to bring your newborn into a photo studio at a very, very young age. It is recommended that within the first five to ten days after birth. This may seem young, but at this age, your newborn sleeps more readily and is easier to pose. This gives the option of many different shots being taken, and finding the one that will warm your heart for years to come.

It is even possible to bring the baby to a shoot the day the mother and child leave the hospital. It is said that mothers have more energy at this stage, rather than a week or two after leaving the hospital. With the mother having energy, that makes the shoot easier.

Past the tenth day through the fourteenth day can still produce a beautiful newborn shot, but is not the most ideal. The younger the newborn, the smoother the photo shoot will be. Newborns grow and change so quickly, that you may lose the essence of a newborn in mere days after birth. This is why bringing your newborn in as quickly as possible to a qualified newborn photographer is so important.

Generally, once the newborn is fourteen days or older, the baby will sleep less, and be awake more. They also tend to be less comfortable in the ‘womb-like’ positions that many newborn photos portray.

child portraits

• Scheduling the shoot

So, if you want the best newborn shot, and a due date is always a guesstimate, how can you schedule this type of photo shoot? Many pregnant mothers want to schedule the shoot before the baby is due, which is completely reasonable. It is easy to do if you have an induction planned. Then it is as simple as scheduling the appointment. You can decide what age you want your newborn to be based on the advice above, and make the appointment for a specific day.

Yet, even with a planned induction, babies can have a mind of their own. If you choose a photographer that specializes in newborn photography, they will understand and be sympathetic to the situation. Those who have done this before will know how to handle scheduling a shoot for you.
A good newborn photographer will create a two week window around your due date, and consider it an all-day appointment. This will give you piece of mind that your photographer will be ready for you when your new little bundle of joy appears. You should also designate someone as contact for your photographer if they need to contact you and you are in the hospital. This will guarantee that they will be ready for you.

Looking for a newborn photographer in Las Vegas?

This is an important time in your life, and it is necessary to know how to handle it. Do your research on local Las Vegas newborn photographers, and find one with a great reputation. If you do, you will have no worries when scheduling your newborn baby’s first photo shoot. Check out our website for a look at some of my work and contact me anytime if you have any questions about your newborn photography needs at 702-336-1609.

Scheduling Your Newborn Baby Photo Shoot was first seen on

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Family Photography in the Studio

Although it seems to be trendy to take your own outdoor family portraits, there are many advantages to taking family photographs in the studio. Never underestimate the power of being able to control your environment. Capturing the moments of your family together is an important pastime, and you want it to go smoothly. Speaking with a family photography professional is always the best first step in determining the right setting for you and your loved ones. Marie Grantham Photography in Las Vegas can help steer you in the right path.

Las Vegas Family Photography in the Studio

Here are some advantages of indoor portraits that may have you thinking that an indoor photo shoot is also a great option.

sibling photos las vegas

• Controlling the environment

When you schedule a photo session with a professional photographer, it is very likely that they are busy and you’ll need to make an appointment, or if you’re lucky, you might be able to get in on the same day. If you want outdoor shots, the main thing you cannot control is the weather. If it is rainy or too cold, or even when it is windy outside, this can sometimes ruin a shoot, and there is nothing you can do about it. You may have to end up rescheduling. It is already difficult to get your family dressed as you want and all ready to go at the same time, you may want to try to avoid getting everyone together and dressed up twice!

• Better control of lighting

Yes, you can schedule your family photo shoot for the time of day that will give the softest light when outside, but as mentioned above, weather is unpredictable. Cloud cover can be a problem, so can harsh afternoon sun. There are times of day that can cast harder shadows, giving your family the impression of having dark eyes.

However when indoors, our photography studio has an array of lighting equipment that can be used to set the right tone of lighting, along with the avoidance of unwanted shadows and darkness under the eyes. When the backdrop is lit well, it can make your family stand out perfectly. It also does not matter what the time of day or season, as the perfect lighting is always available.

• Obtaining a timeless and classic look

Photographs shot indoors can be slightly more formal, and give a look that is timeless. A classic look of your family can be cherished for generations, and will never become outdated. Although outdoor shoots may be trendy now, they may not be perfect during some times of the year. Indoor shoots are time tested, and will always be classy.

Thinking of getting your family in the studio for the best portraits?

• Ease of location

You may have grandeur thoughts of a beautiful outdoor shoot, but as we all know, getting the entire family ready for an outing can be difficult. It is much easier to bring the family to a studio than have them trek to an outdoor location. This is especially true if you have small children, handicapped individuals or elderly grandparents as part of the shoot. Not to mention the higher likelihood of available bathrooms, and other conveniences.

family photography in las vegas

• Various backgrounds

When choosing an outdoor backdrop, you may think you have found the most beautiful location, until you are there for the shoot. You do not take into consideration the lighting, and other aspects when choosing the location. A professional photographer will be able to discuss with you prior to your shoot, the type and color of background that will work for you. Everything can be taken into consideration. Your family’s skin tone, the color of the room where the picture will hang, the outfits your family plans on wearing. All of that can be discussed and the perfect backdrop for an in-studio shoot can be chosen beforehand.

• Fewer distractions

When trying to pull the whole family together for a photo, it can be difficult. So having less distractions available will make the shoot run smoother. When outdoors, children may be distracted by things going on around them. Short attention spans and photo shoots do not really work well together. This is why indoor shoots can be more beneficial. There are fewer distractions around. A local Las Vegas studio family photography session has a sense of formality to it that will help bring out the best family portraits.

These are a few things to consider when choosing a photography location for some great family photos. Call Marie Grantham Photography at (702) 336-1609.

Family Photography in the Studio was first seen on